Conditional Logic in ProcessZen

Conditional logic allows you to create dynamic workflows by showing or hiding fields and pages based on specific conditions.

Adding Condition Blocks

To add a condition block:

  • Click the + icon in the editor (when in editing mode)
  • Press / on your keyboard (shortcut: CMD+/ on macOS, CTRL+/ on Windows/Linux)

Creating Condition Groups

Condition groups let you combine multiple conditions using AND/OR logic. Here’s how to create them:

  1. Add a condition block
  2. Select the field to evaluate
  3. Choose the condition type (e.g., equals, contains, greater than)
  4. Set the value to compare against
  5. Click “Add condition” to include more conditions in the group


  • IF (Email contains “” AND Role equals “Manager”) THEN show “Manager Approval” page

By using condition groups, you can create complex logic to tailor your workflow to specific scenarios.